This unnamed elementary school, located in Tokyo, is attended by Takaki Tōno and Akari Shinohara since their Third Grade and Forth Grade, respectively, in 5 Centimeters per Second. It is unknown if it is based on a real-life school.
In 5 Centimeters per Second[]
Like most elementary schools in Japan, this school provides basic education for children from Grade 1 to Grade 6. It also offers optional club activities like choir, and a library for students to read and borrow books.
It does not seem to require its students to wear uniforms.
See also[]
Schools attended by Takaki Tōno |
Mie unnamed elementary school ⇛ Shizuoka unnamed school ⇛ Tokyo unnamed school ➤ Nishinaka Junior High School ⇛ Minamitane Junior High School ➤ Tanegashima High School ➤ Tokyo University |
Schools attended by Akari Shinohara |
Akita unnamed elementary school ⇛ Shizuoka unnamed school ⇛ Ishikawa unnamed school ⇛ Tokyo unnamed school ➤ Tochigi unnamed junior high school ➤ Tochigi unnamed high school ➤ Tokyo unnamed university |